Monday, February 13, 2017

Ten Tips For New RVers

Re: What advice do you wish someone told you before you went full time?

I like tiny home living and the RV has certainly provided that.

The best advice I wish I had been told early on has been summed up in my TEN TIPS below. Enjoy!

Trees moves, especially when you are backing up.

Finding a hard working honest RV repairman is akin to winning the lottery. Playing the lottery is expensive. Beware, all repairmen think we are mega rich.

Buy heavy duty quick connect for all your outside plumbing, heaven on earth!

Take a picture of everywhere you overnight.

Keep a simple log book near the driver's seat. Invaluable info will accumulate, that is super useful when you are back in the same area.

The first year, you will need to dump at least half your clothes and figure up an easier wardrobe based on your daily lifestyle and routine.

Keep the rig ready for all types of emergencies. You will be glad you did when the need arises.

Gloves, gloves, gloves. Buy thick leather gloves, heavy rubber gloves and a box of disposable gloves.

Life is more fun with a bicycle.

Life is more love with a pet.

(I get a $10 one too when you do!)

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1 comment:

Life is goof!